

New Euroart has a technical department able to restore the perfect functionality of the installations
in the event of faults or technical problems.

New Euroart can support the phases of installation and assembly of the system thanks to its highly specialized staff
who shall also ensure the maintenance.

ENI Refinery
Flare system maintenance

Eni Refinery
Maintenance to the Tanks

ENI Refinery
Piping and Structure maintenance

ENI Refinery
Maintenance to the Heat Exchanger

ENI Refinery
Maintenance Pumps

ENI Refinery
Inspection and Maintenance of PSV Pressure Safety Valve

ENI Power
Revamping of furnaces

Total Tempa Rossa Project
Construction Piping and Structure

Maintenance at ILVA Steelworks

Maintenance at ILVA Steelworks Plant

Maintenance to Furnace of ILVA Steelworks

Maintenance at ENEL Power Plant

ENEL Power Plant
Piping and Structure maintenance

Maintenance at Sorgenia Power Plant

Sorgenia Power Plant Piping and Structure Maintenance

Maintenance at Edison Power Plant

Edison Power Plant Piping and Structure Maintenance